As mentioned in a previous article, it’s much easier to write a rich personal history if you write by topic. We suggest creating a separate document for each topic. You’ll then be making great progress on your entire personal history one bite at a time.
To make things easier for you, we’ve created twenty Personal History Documents/Templates to help get you started. All you need to do is:
- Download and extract the documents (contained in one “zipped” folder).
- Enter your information (name and date) in a few places
- Start entering your personal history
It almost couldn’t be easier. The templates are very simple, but are designed to help get you started with your personal history. Just a few minutes a week can help you create great additions to your personal history.
These starter documents or templates follow the ideas and formats specified in our article How to Write Your Personal History.
Personal History by – (Enter Your Full Name) – Topic.rtf
We’ve saved the documents in the Rich Text Format (RTF for short) which allows you to insert pictures and use different fonts. The RTF document format is one of the most common text formats across all types of computers.
We suggest that once you write your history that you save your document as a PDF which is a standard format for preserving and publishing digital documents.
To download the Personal History Templates, click here.