Family Heirloom and Keepsake Tracker

Heirloom sounds like such a formal word, but many of us have and pass on a variety of heirlooms and family keepsakes in our individual families. We may not think of our items as “heirlooms” but there are plenty of keepsakes and knick-knacks that are...

Free Personal History Starter Kit – Download

  As mentioned in a previous article, it’s much easier to write a rich personal history if you write by topic. We suggest creating a separate document for each topic. You’ll then be making great progress on your entire personal history one bite at a time. To make...

Organizing your Digital Pictures

Digital cameras are such a fantastic way to preserve memories. You can take almost as many pictures as you want to, right there on the spot, and have an instant preview of what your picture looks like. You can print your pictures if you like, but you don’t have...

30 Days to Keeping a Consistent and Meaningful Journal

Some people are avid journal keepers while others have a very difficult time starting a diary. If you’re one of those that have trouble keeping a consistent journal, you’ve come to the right place. If you follow the instructions below, you’ll be on...
Writing your Personal History

Writing your Personal History

The Hard Way For some of us, sitting down and finishing a comprehensive personal history can be quite difficult. Notice that I said finish and not begin because it seems like we’re all very good at beginning things, but it’s the finishing that makes the difference....