Family Heirloom and Keepsake Tracker

Heirloom sounds like such a formal word, but many of us have and pass on a variety of heirlooms and family keepsakes in our individual families. We may not think of our items as “heirlooms” but there are plenty of keepsakes and knick-knacks that are...

Free Personal History Starter Kit – Download

  As mentioned in a previous article, it’s much easier to write a rich personal history if you write by topic. We suggest creating a separate document for each topic. You’ll then be making great progress on your entire personal history one bite at a time. To make...

Let the Internet Search Your Genealogy For You

There’s only so much time in each day that we can search for genealogy. What if, just what if, there were ways to search for genealogy while you sleep, while you eat, or watch a movie? Surprise! There is a way to search for genealogy while you sleep. It’s...

Why Post Your Family History / Genealogy Online

We live in an amazing age. Remember when you had to go to a library to access records, search microfilm, and write letters requesting copies of records? Today, that research has almost been replaced by computers and online resources. With the click of a mouse,...

Organizing your Digital Pictures

Digital cameras are such a fantastic way to preserve memories. You can take almost as many pictures as you want to, right there on the spot, and have an instant preview of what your picture looks like. You can print your pictures if you like, but you don’t have...