We’ve talked about the importance of tracking heirlooms and family keepsakes, but what happens when it’s time to pass on family relics?
Some families are very open about the matter while others wouldn’t dare talk about it.
One thing is for sure, a lot of arguing and miscommunication can be avoided with a few easy steps.
- Identify the important heirlooms
- Understand why the heirlooms or keepsakes are important
- Use a system for determining who gets what.
If your’s is the case that no one wants the same knick knack, keepsake or heirloom, good for you. For many families however, there’s going to be a few commonly desired items.
To help foster a fair environment, have family members identify what family keepsakes are important to them. Each family member should rank the items they would like in terms of importance, and identify why the item is important to them. The family can then help make sure that everyone on the list gets at least their first or second choice in items. Family members that are more closely related to the heirloom hold should receive higher priority in their wishes.
We’ve created a free download to help you track and manage requests within your family for family keepsakes. To download the form, click here.